群暉固件5.1 5022-5.2 5592,以及對應(yīng)的XPEnoboot工具
從5565升級到5592后,有個別套件的手機端APP無法連接,比如AUDIO STATION,DOWNLOAD STATION等。解決方法是,從套件中心刪除套件,重新下載安裝一遍即可。如果還是不行,請升級5592的啟動文件。
Changelog:Version : 5.2-5592 Update 4
Fixed Issues
Restored the mandatory file (/usr/syno/bin/zip) that has been removed due to Antivirus Essential's false-positive detection.
Upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.2.31 to address one security vulnerability (CVE-2015-3183).
Upgraded PHP to 5.5.28 to address two security vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-5589 and CVE-2015-5590).
Fixed two security vulnerabilities to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Fixed a security vulnerability of PCRE library (ASA-201508-11).
Fixed an issue where DSM cannot be updated after system recovery on certain models (DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, RS815RP+, RS815+, DS415+).