線刷時遇到 Failed to download fastboot! 哪位大佬幫指點一下
各位大佬好,我的盒子是北京移動的魔百和 cm201-2 板子好是M8291,之前想升級破解,用U盤進(jìn)行升級,應(yīng)該是包不對,升級完之后直接變磚,通電燈不亮,無任何反應(yīng)。后用串口線進(jìn)行線刷,遇到Failed to download fastboot問題,特來論壇求助大佬,具體問題如下:
使用putty 連接設(shè)備,板子上電看到的信息如下:
Bootrom start
Boot Media: eMMC
Decrypt auxiliary code ...OK
lsadc voltage min: 000003E7, max: 000003F6, aver: 000003EE, index: 00000000
Enter boot auxiliary code
Auxiliary code - v1.00
DDR code - V1.1.2 20160205
Build: Sep 7 2017 - 01:06:39
Reg Version: v1.5.2\
Reg Time: 2017/11/15 17:13:15
Reg Name: hi3798mv3dmm_hi3798mv300_DDR3-1866_1GB_16bitx2_4layers.reg
Boot auxiliary code success
Bootrom success
之前使用U盤升級,變磚了,現(xiàn)在板子燈也不亮,上電沒有反應(yīng),連接串口線之后,打開putty,上電,到“Bootrom success”這兒就卡主了,沒有出現(xiàn)System startup。在putty窗口中點回車,或者輸入,也沒有任何反應(yīng)。
使用HiTool 進(jìn)行線刷時,輸出如下:
Bootrom start Boot Media: eMMC ############Timeout error. Failed to send the head frame. Failed to send the auxiliary code data.
Boot head format invalid. Failed to send the auxiliary code data.It may be caused by the following reason: 1. The secure boot function of Hi3796M V200, Hi3716M V450, and Hi3796A V200 chips is enabled, but the auxiliary code area is not correctly signed 2. If verification of multiple tables is not supported, the tables may be incorrect or the DDR training may be faulty due to DDR exceptions. As a result, the DDR cannot be used. Failed to download fastboot!
看提示是secure boot function of Hi3796M V200, Hi3716M V450, and Hi3796A V200 chips is enabled,是啟動了安全防護導(dǎo)致的嗎?但是我的板子明明是hi3798mv300,不是Hi3796M V200, Hi3716M V450, and Hi3796A V200 ,為什么會出這樣的提示?