Relocation Offset is: 011d7000
[AT][MB][start ub][423]
U-Boot 2011.06-00029-gda632be-dirty (Apr 13 2016 - 19:15:37)
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 559e9418 with private size 80 bytes at 559e9460
create instance at 559e94b8 with private size 52 bytes at 559e9500
uboot held at [557ddf60~56b00000],size=013220a0
CPU : Clippers
DRAM: 875 MiB
Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 55c00000
eMMC: HS200 200MHz
eMMC 3.63 GB [747FF8h]
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: zte_shutdow =false
No ethernet found.
Set MAC default
MAC: 0x0: 0x30: 0x1b: 0xba:0x2: 0xdb
In HAL_AUDIO_SetDspBaseAddr, line(4350), u8Index(0x0), u32Bin_Base_Address(0x0), u32Mad_Base_Buffer_Adr(0x37bb0000)
In HAL_AUDIO_SetDspBaseAddr, line(4350), u8Index(0x1), u32Bin_Base_Address(0x0), u32Mad_Base_Buffer_Adr(0x37930000)
In HAL_AUDIO_SetDspBaseAddr, line(4350), u8Index(0x2), u32Bin_Base_Address(0x0), u32Mad_Base_Buffer_Adr(0x37130000)
[======= initialize DEC-R2[0] SHM =======]
[======= initialize DEC-R2[1] SHM =======]
audio DSP_SE LoadCode success..[[utopia]] === HAL_MAD_SetDecCmd 0 fail===
DEC System code download finished!
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 559f99c0 with private size 44 bytes at 559f9a08
CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[38]: MODULE_CPU
[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][645]
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
do_bootcheck called
MMC_CAPACITY_512 =7634936
current emmc size is =0x747ff8 (should by 512)
MMCusrdata_size =3901440
current userdata size =0x3b8800 (should by 512)
get_boot1_ver cmd_boot1=mmc read.boot 1 0x25000000 0x0 0x200000
set hdmi hdcp mode 0!
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
iTVSTandard2Resolution = 2
[ztebsp] BootMode=0
[do_bootcheck,1129][ZTEWatchdog]PATCH FOR zte BEGIN
[do_bootcheck,1133][ZTEWatchdog] Watchdog_enable TRUE
[do_bootcheck,1139][ZTEWatchdog] Watchdog start, MAXTIME 120
create instance at 559f9bf0 with private size 256 bytes at 559f9c38
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = 1f200000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = 1f000000
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][323]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1280, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=720
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][325]u16HTotal=1980,u16VTotal=750,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=1980,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=750, u16DefaultVFreq=500
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][369]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1280, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=720
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][371]u16HTotal=1980,u16VTotal=750,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=1980,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=750, u16DefaultVFreq=500
PNL:CalculateLPLLSETbyDClk u32KHz = 742500000, u64DefaultLdHz = 742500000
PNL:CalculateLPLLSETbyDClk u32LpllSet = 3531df
[MApi_XC_MLG_GetStatus, 1603]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
create instance at 559f9d40 with private size 1720 bytes at 559f9d88
no need to patchcreate instance at 559fa988 with private size 80 bytes at 559fa9d0
Rx Support HDMI mode!
3-1 ssc_span_val=1887436800, ssc_step_val=0, reg_32value=2440322
3-2 ssc_span_val=773, ssc_step_val=0, reg_32value=2440322
3-3 ssc_span_val=773, ssc_step_val=3, reg_32value=2440322
setHDMITxAnalogTuning: Error: MApi_HDMITx_GetRxDCInfoFromEDID EDID is not ready, at 262
shift -8 pixels in PAL mode
Create Dolby single part name task failed!![Hal_VE_Set_PreHSD][1826] ERROR!!! HVSD H input = 0, HVSD H output = 720
[Hal_VE_Set_PreVSD][2002] ERROR!!! HVSD V input = 0, HVSD V output = 576
[Hal_VE_EnableDI][2110] bEnable = 0, bIsDNR2VE = 0
lyndon Hal_VE_Set_PreVSD 1mmc change mount : tvcustomer
Size of file "/720.jpg" from mmc device 0 partition tvcustomer: 90410 bytes
Loading file "/720.jpg" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvcustomer
90410 bytes read
create instance at 559faa28 with private size 304 bytes at 559faa70
[AT][MB][JPD Decode][1273]
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[35]: MODULE_NJPEG_EX
create instance at 559faa28 with private size 132280 bytes at 559faa70
[GOP INFO] gop opencreate instance at 55a1af30 with private size 6908 bytes at 55a1af78
[AT][MB][Show Logo][1310]
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 25000800 ...
Image Name: MStar-linux
Image Type: ARM Linux Multi-File Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 5314571 Bytes = 5.1 MiB
Load Address: 20208000
Entry Point: 20208000
Image 0: 4630720 Bytes = 4.4 MiB
Image 1: 683839 Bytes = 667.8 KiB
## Loading init Ramdisk from multi component Legacy Image at 25000800 ...
Loading Multi-File Image ... OK
[AT][MB][start kr][1557]
Starting kernel ...
[PROTECT ERROR], not expected dram size: 0x0
# [PROTECT WARNING], miu kernel protect is not enabled on second dram #
[ERROR] MsDrv_MIU_Protect:488: ERROR MDrv_MIU_Protect FAIL
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
tommy: thread_info_cache_init
mtdoops: mtd device (mtddev=name/number) must be supplied
[drivers/mstar2/drv/emac/mdrv_emac.c MDev_EMAC_HW_init 2196] ready init mutex
[drivers/mstar2/drv/emac/mdrv_emac.c MDev_EMAC_HW_init 2197] after init mutex
RBQP_BASE = 54104000
init: /init.clippers.rc: 399: ignored duplicate definition of service 'mdnsd'
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
init: fullpath: /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/idProduct
init: 1234
init: fullpath: /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/idProduct
init: 0002
init: fullpath: /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb2/idProduct
init: 0002
init: fullpath: /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb3/idProduct
init: 0002
init: fullpath: /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-0:1.0/idProduct
init: /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-0:1.0/idProduct not exist
init: fullpath: /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-0:1.0/idProduct
init: /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-0:1.0/idProduct not exist
init: fullpath: /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1:1.0/idProduct
init: /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1:1.0/idProduct not exist
init: fullpath: /sys/bus/usb/devices/2-0:1.0/idProduct
init: /sys/bus/usb/devices/2-0:1.0/idProduct not exist
healthd: No charger supplies found
init: cannot find '/system/bin/usb_permission_yijiakang', disabling 'yijiakang'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/basicService', disabling 'basicService'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/init.toltech.sh', disabling 'toltech_devices'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/ztepropertyd', disabling 'ztepropertyd'
root@orange:/ #
上一篇: 關于運維調試里沒有adb選項解決方法。下一篇: 盒子現(xiàn)場配置工具激活失敗,怎么辦?