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[華語] 冷漠-必須的(544/1080P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..14 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-6-30 16:51 13337588 友誼特種兵 2017-8-22 23:05
[華語] 派偉俊 - 保護你(新版)[1080P/MP4/202M] attach_img 遛網之魚 2017-2-6 20:43 22690 小琥lollipop 2017-8-22 10:35
[日韓] 2NE1-Fire(A版/1.01G/1080P/M2TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..12 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-2-5 22:05 11438267 laozhuang07 2017-8-21 21:58
[日韓] 慶祝新區(qū)開放 發(fā)3個4K分辨率的正版MV~~~Girl's Day-女總統(tǒng)(4K) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..36 tonywang 2014-1-23 19:30 35183401 liudong54634 2017-8-21 18:54
[日韓] Wonder Girls - Like This (Master)(664M/1080p/mp4) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456 tonywang 2014-3-27 21:16 5519282 q82632064 2017-8-21 15:07
[LIVE] 140209 SBS Inkigayo Girls Day - Something attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..7 tonywang 2014-2-19 00:36 6015876 q82632064 2017-8-21 14:50
[LIVE] 140628.MBC.音樂中心.Bob Girls - No Way(378M/1080P/TP) attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-7-16 21:42 145670 q82632064 2017-8-21 14:44
[LIVE] 140715.SBS.the show.AOA - 短髮(493M/1080i/ts) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-8-11 23:47 2611681 q82632064 2017-8-20 23:01
[LIVE] 140711.KBS.Music Bank.AOA - Short Hair(523M/1080P/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 tonywang 2014-8-6 22:27 4113227 q82632064 2017-8-20 23:01
[LIVE] 140720.SBS.Popular Song . AOA - Short Hair(479M/1080i/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-8-15 23:30 237760 q82632064 2017-8-20 22:40
[LIVE] 140628.MBC.音樂中心.AOA - 短發(fā)(525M/1080P/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...234 tonywang 2014-7-16 21:42 3010855 q82632064 2017-8-20 22:37
[LIVE] 140208 音樂中心 SPICA - You Don't Love Me attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-2-17 00:30 186825 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-20 21:17
[LIVE] 140725 Simply K-POP Fiestar - One More(149M/1080p/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 tonywang 2014-8-19 23:56 4217100 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-20 21:14
[日韓] OH MY GIRL - CLOSER[1080P/MP4/72M] attach_img heatlevel  ...23 2606 2015-10-17 00:16 228569 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-20 21:05
[日韓] OH MY GIRL - LIAR LIAR (Melon)(1080P/MP4/253M) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 2606 2016-4-1 09:06 2511329 lime_ky55M 2017-8-20 14:44
[華語] 汪峰-存在(122M/720P/MKV) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..30 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-3-1 10:01 29881056 zmmyll 2017-8-19 21:51
[日韓] F(x) - Red Light紅燈[MelOn無水印][1080P/MP4/278.29MB] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..14 小漁 2014-7-5 00:57 13848650 wy7222 2017-8-19 00:10
[華語] 吳亦凡-有一個地方(374M/1080P/MOV)15張高清預覽圖! attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 wjy5156 互助團隊 2015-3-16 20:50 4119768 海風6677 2017-8-18 16:55
[日韓] SISTAR - So Cool(248M/1080/mp4) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..9 yuchan 2014-2-28 22:28 8426586 xjx1300 2017-8-18 15:13
[LIVE] 140725 Simply K-POP Bestie - Hot Baby(153M/1080p/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 tonywang 2014-8-19 23:54 4814624 qq342448342 2017-8-18 12:17
[華語] 潘瑋柏 - 華麗進行曲(Master)(508M/1080p/mov) attach_img heatlevel  ...234 tonywang 2014-3-31 15:37 3212524 Destino. 2017-8-18 09:51
[LIVE] 12.01.12 T-ARA-Lovey Dovey(510M/1080P/TP) attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...23456..18 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-3-7 10:10 17647325 tiantian224 2017-8-18 02:35
[LIVE] 12.02.04 T-ARA-Lovey Dovey(501M/1080P/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..16 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-3-8 21:18 15337377 tiantian224 2017-8-18 02:34
[LIVE] 大張偉-倍兒爽(2014春晚/233M/1080P/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..35 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-6-27 13:52 340100097 jisi6 2017-8-17 18:07
[日韓] A Pink - Mr.Chu(87M/1080p/mp4) attachment heatlevel  ...23456 tonywang 2014-4-1 16:33 5120250 enjoy4k 2017-8-16 20:24
[歐美] 瑞典流行女歌手EMILIA - OSTAVASH SAM [1080P.MP4/181M] attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 2606 2015-2-6 10:46 4613812 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-16 16:31
[華語] 容中爾甲-又見高原紅(105M/1080P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..24 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-12-16 20:05 23661863 寧靜☆致遠 2017-8-16 10:41
[日韓] Rainbow-Sunshine(430M/1080P/TS)~~94張高清預覽圖! attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..10 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-3-9 10:53 9635407 leon1987365 2017-8-16 07:49
[日韓] BoA - The Shadow (Japanese Ver.)(DVD)(320M/480P/vob) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-4-17 22:28 277906 leon1987365 2017-8-16 07:17
[LIVE] 13.11.03 BESTie-Love Options(457M/1080P/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-2-14 18:54 4918037 1335969806 2017-8-14 20:48
[LIVE] 141025 Weekend Hips A pink - NoNoNo (Japanese Ver.)(215M/1080I/TS) attach_img  ...2 tonywang 2014-12-7 18:10 117626 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-13 22:29
[日韓] [MV][G.NA-G.NA's Secret][MP4/91MB/1080P] attach_img  ...2 2606 2015-1-22 17:12 167590 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-13 22:03
[華語] 龍梅子-我的愛人不要走(148M/720P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..23 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-3-17 21:32 22159732 158265038 2017-8-13 20:22
[華語] 鹿晗 - 原動力[1080P/MP4/87M] attach_img  ...2 遛網之魚 2017-2-12 21:43 156461 867262056 2017-8-13 14:53
[華語] 王強 愛相隨 官方版[1080P/MP4/515M] attach_img 遛網之魚 2017-1-24 23:17 62933  讓時間說真話_ 2017-8-12 21:05
[華語] 高安-杭嬌:一生無悔(125M/720P/MKV) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..22 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-3-16 21:50 21657809  讓時間說真話_ 2017-8-12 21:01
[日韓] T-ARA - Do You Know Me(4K) (952M/4K/mp4) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..10 tonywang 2014-3-2 01:05 9229377 雨的印_z4N37 2017-8-12 12:22
[日韓] AKB48-大聲鉆石(中文字幕版/634M/1080P/TS) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 wjy5156 互助團隊 2014-3-20 14:21 7232145 maousatan!!! 2017-8-11 23:06
[日韓] T-ara - Lovey Dovey In Tokyo(271M/1080/mp4) attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 yuchan 2014-3-13 20:57 4814661 506959006 2017-8-11 22:35
[日韓] SPICA.S - Give Your Love(56M/1080P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..7 tonywang 2014-9-13 23:56 6018770 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-11 21:53
[LIVE] 140328.KBS.Music Bank.少女時代 - Mr.Mr(535M/1080I/TP) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456 tonywang 2014-4-4 14:12 5014965 a282895418 2017-8-11 18:26
[日韓] BIGBANG(GD&T.O.P) - ZUTTER (Practice Ver.)(練習室版) [MP4-1080p/99MB] attach_img heatlevel  ...234 2606 2015-8-8 08:44 3113991 李米拉 2017-8-11 14:11
[華語] 王若琳-《The Art of Bullying 霸凌的藝術》[1080P/MP4/70M] attach_img 遛網之魚 2017-2-19 17:23 22426 楊三少 2017-8-11 04:39
[華語] 王若琳 - When I Nod[1080P/MP4/56M] attach_img 遛網之魚 2017-2-15 16:20 22399 楊三少 2017-8-11 04:38
[華語] 允智 NS Yoon-G - Wifey (Melon HD)[261MB/MP4/1080p] attach_img heatlevel  ...234 2606 2015-3-22 09:27 3312016 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-10 18:38
[日韓] Chamsonyeo, G.na, Lizzy, Youngji - Magic Words (Melon HD)[261MB/MP4/1080p] attach_img 2606 2015-3-18 20:41 57999 dahaidexionghua 2017-8-10 18:36
[日韓] T-ara - Round & Round (Ver.1) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..13 tonywang 2014-1-26 12:18 12238771 31895659 2017-8-9 22:47
[日韓] Ladies's Code - Hate You (Master)(1.81G/1080p/mov) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 tonywang 2014-3-15 21:19 2312991 李亞楓 2017-8-9 10:43
[華語] 騰格爾—— 雪紅花 (71M/720P/MP4) attach_img heatlevel  ...234 瘋狂勇士 2015-1-28 20:07 3714575 Chiron_yakPE 2017-8-9 01:47
[華語] 騰格爾 - 雪紅花[720P/MP4/71M] attach_img 遛網之魚 2017-2-7 23:14 63175 Chiron_yakPE 2017-8-9 00:59
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